Friday, January 9, 2015

Sleepless Single Mom's

Its 4:00 AM and I am up again, unable to get back to sleep and my mind is racing! As a single parent shouldering the burden of raising child(ten) alone is it is understandable that there will be sleepless nights. Give yourself grace. But there are many times my mind simply cannot shut itself off.

I am worrying about what I have forgotten to do, what I need to do and what I am unable to do. I worry about money most of all, the health and well being of my son and me staying in good health. These are not abnormal worries that only plague single mom's but many parents all over the world. My disclaimer is there is no perfect solution to sleeplessness and some of it you may want to discuss with your doctor. However, if you have had a few sleepless nights here and there, check out these suggestions:

1. Give it to God---First thing I have to do is remind myself that God is in control! Everyone that subscribes to my blog may not be a follower of Jesus Christ but I am.  HE grounds me. HE gives me hope and reminds me that I have a future. I need to remind myself to pray for my needs and not only to pray for myself and my family but the needs of those around me. It is in my quiet moments with God, that my restless heart calms down and allows me to relax and get back to sleep

2. Hot cup or tea-this may sound insane and many people do not want to get out of bed. But I am telling you that a warm cup of chamomile tea, lavender tea or sleepy time tea does the trick for me. Please do not reach for a cup of lipton tea full of caffeine and then complain to me that you were up all night, LOL. I have been specific regarding the teas that I have suggested.

3. Reading--as a single parent I never have enough time to read. It is frowned on to read and drive (which is really the only time I have to myself). There is always something on my nightstand that I need to read or want to read. Turn on a small light and grab your reading glasses and dive into a good book. I find that once I give into the book and lose myself in the story,  I can begin to relax.

4. Exercise-studies have shown that exercising before bed will release endorphins that give you energy but near bed time your body will begins to relax and you can fall into a long nights sleep.

These are not absolutes but guides. Enjoy your children at every stage and appreciate them where they are. Try not to wish for them to get older, time will take care of that soon enough.

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