Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday:Encouraging Your Friends

Silly antics at a reunion--Erica, DeWayne, Edgar and I
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times, and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more, that's what friends are for
-Elton John and friends
Rene and I relaxing while our kids played in the sand box at Lupe Tortilla's

A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend whom she thought she would marry, 6 months ago. It has been painful to watch as her friend. There is heartache, pain and lots of tears. Her days have been good and bad, up and down. I know she had to make some tough choices and decide what was best for her family but in the end there is still the pain of loss.

So what can we do as friends to encourage one another, especially if we are single parents and we do not want our children to be affected.
1. We can pray for and with our friends.
2. We can invite them over and share a meal, let the kiddos play and we all talk.
3. We can email and text them words of encouragement. My favorite way to do that is lyrics to meaningful songs
4. We can be mindful that the pain of loss lasts longer than 3 days, 3 weeks and even 3 months.
5. Let them talk and express their feelings.
6. Encourage new interests 
7. Share life with them, exercise together, go out and have fun
8. Don't try to introduce them to new people right away
9. Do something kind, take their children for the afternoon or cook a meal.
10. Let them know you are their for them and be true to your word, even if you are tired. 

These are not absolutes but guides. One of the hardest things about being a single parent is doing it alone. That means when you are hurting or need time off you simply cannot get it which means your children may see some of what life is handing you. But this is a season and will not last forever. Lean on friends, if you are the friend, let them lean on you, be a source of encouragement. 

1 comment:

  1. Encouragement is something you do so well. I thank God for placing us together as sisters in Christ. The mutual encouragement is not only needed but a blessing. Iron sharpens iron.
