Monday, July 30, 2012

Is your parenting purposeful?

Mitchell and Mommy
My hot date, mother and I pulled out of my Uncle's driveway in Maryland at 11:oo am on Friday. At 11:05 am, I got a text from my cousin asking us to come back we had forgotten a bag. I laughed at first until I realized he was right. I turned the car around and headed back. While upstairs getting the bag, I decided to say good bye to my Uncl e one more time. He gave me a big hug and said,  "You are doing a good job, keep up the good work". I knew he was speaking of Mitchell. I turned and left before he could see my tears.

Part of my raising of Mitchell is very purposeful and determined. I am determined that he will grow up to respect his elders, treat ladies well and as if they are treasures, to know God's word and to be a man people want to be around.

As a single woman in order to do this I had let some things go. It’s been a sacrifice but his childhood is short and the time has passed and will continue to pass quickly. Besides, I am an older single parent and was ready to give many things up when Mitchell arrived on the scene; here is my list of things I stand firm on and why:

1. Learning God's word is HUGE in this house....he has attended Sunday school and VBS (vacation bible school) since he was two. He watches me serve in church, VBS, hospitality and bible study and knows that is part of my work and prayer is part of his nightly routine. His father backs me up on this by praying with him daily as well.
2. Men are NOT allowed in and out of Mitchell's life, meaning I date on occasion but they DO NOT get to meet my son.
3. I insist on yes sir and no ma'am. Lets him know who is in charge.
4. NO rap music in my house or car! I am sure he has heard it but not from me. I will explain each song as he asks and tell him why I don't listen and don't want him to. I realize music is an art form but the disrespect of people and women is not. It’s my house (get over it)!
5. No TV that is not a cartoon and most of it has to be educational. Mitchell knew T-Rex was a carnivore before he was 3 and loves making predictions or hypothesis’.
6. I do not watch regular TV when Mitchell is awake. I DVR everything and watch in my room when I have time.
7. No cussing, if I don't he will not either.
8. We eat dinner every night at the table and have discussions.
9. We have routines so he knows what is coming. It also gives him consistency.
10. No disrespect of women is EVER allowed. Children will always test their parents but when Mitchell attempts to be disrespectful to any woman, I shut him down quickly, not rudely but quickly. I remind him that I or whoever it is will not be spoken to that way.
11. Money is NOT a taboo subject He needs to learn that I earn it to buy what we need. He has even started to save for things he wants
12. I spank with a wooden spoon and follow with a hug. I tell him I want the behavior to change but I will always love him.

These are not absolutes but guides.  And you list may be different and thats ok. As single parents we need to prepare our boys and girls for the future. Good manners, Godly discipline and knowledge go a long way in this world. No child that I know of ever suffered from learning these things, in fact they all benefited from it.

Enjoy your children as they mature. Find something to love about every stage.

Please feel free to leave comments or questions, until our next date have a good one!

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