Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday-Dating as a single person

My hot date asks me at least once a month if he can have a brother or a sister? When he was younger I admit to skirting the question or acting like I did not hear him but at 6 he understands more. I tell him now that I need to be married to have a sister or brother for him so that my husband, his future step father can work while I stay home with the children and take care of my family. He gets that because that is what I do for him. But he still aches for a sibling.
 So how do I meet people or even date?

Before Mitchell was born I admit to being a party girl. I even worked at a company where I would have to attend functions at least once a month. I even had a corporate party wardrobe. And because I hosted so many parties for my boss I became good friends with many restaurant owners and they would invite me to different events. My girlfriend's and I were single and footloose and fancy free. We could go to happy hours and parties without a care in the world. That part of my life is over and quite honestly I do not miss it!

I will spend time with friends I enjoy being with and I have met some nice men through friends. But I have been told I do not make room in my life for a companion and this is probably true. I am focused on parenting. In order to focus on a companion, I would need to give up time with Mitchell and I am not ready for that yet.

But when I do date, here is how it goes:
1. I can text all day, talking on the phone requires some effort. I will not talk during family time which is 6-830 pm, Monday-Friday.
2. I meet my date out, they may not pick me up from my home.
3. I don't date men that are known partiers/drinkers/recreational drug users.
4. Mitchell comes up in conversation but I don't talk about him much with dates.
5. I normally will not date men without children...childless men just don't get it.
6. I ask direct questions up front. Do you smoke, drink, have children?
7. Mitchell is normally with his father when I go out or my mother.
8. I do not tell him that I date or see people...too much for a 6 year old
9. Mitchell's schedule is not disrupted.

These are not absolutes but what works for me. I have met one man that got close to meeting Mitchell, we were even talking marriage but it did not work out. Dating is an adventure and I just take it one date at a time and enjoy the evening out of the house.

Party girl days before Mitchell
 If you are in the market to go out here are some websites that highlight places to go in Houston. I would also sugest large churches that may have a singles ministry.


Happy dating. Feel free to leave comments. See ya next time.

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