Friday, July 20, 2012

Family as friends.

Mitch and Nina-6 years old
The other day my hot date and I ventured to the National Zoo with my favorite cousin, Mike and his daughter. We could not decide what to see first, everyone argued about the route we would take. The children both wanted to take pictures with one camera, a bird flew at all of us in the bird sanctuary and everyone was exhausted by the time we left 3 hours later. When we got in the car, both my cousin and I promised to bring the children back next week. Believe it or not we had an absolute ball!

Mike and I with our children Nina and Mitchell

I cannot remember the day that I met my cousin Mike...neither can he but God must have been smiling because he knew how important this relationship would be to both of us.  We are two peas in a pod, basically inseparable when we are together. We argue like an old married couple and have since we were kids. We call each other names and are quick to follow up with "but you know I luv you!", we are each others confidants and greatest friends.  We can finish each others sentences and laugh at the same silly thing. Our relationship has grown stronger over the years,  even without email and texting (in the 80's) and free long distance.
Nina and Mitchell---sleeping age 4
As children there was NO  better way to spend a summer than
1. Building forts in the basement
2. Having your own kool aid stand--I have to write about this, its hilarious
3. Making haunted houses and charging admission-we were always trying to make money to buy toys and stuff like fart in a can and fake dog poo. Oh we were a mess to say the least.
4. Staying up late to have video game wars (who remembers  ATARI?)
5. Frying donuts at 4 am while adults were asleep upstairs
6. Running all over the neighborhood and being know as part of the Freeman family

Mike kissing me on my wedding day

Mike and I did all of this and so much more. We fought over the use of the family cars, the phone, the remote. You name it.! There was also no one that would defend the other more fiercely than either of us...just ask the neighborhood kids. The two of us together were unstoppable, hilarious and double trouble..... and then we grew up. Mike only ever approved of one man I ever dated and I ended up married to him for a short while. My ex-husband's name was also Michael and he was known as Big Mike and my cousin was Mike, Big Mike lived  across the street from Mike and was once a playmate of ours. 
Mike and I  suffered the loss of our grandmother and other relatives together, but most especially our grandmother. We mourned the loss of all of his dogs over time. I was just telling him how weird it was to not have a dog licking my feet or wagging a tail next to me. R.I.P....Ty, Cascius and Jomo. We are both single parents and our children are three months apart, they are  both 6 now and such gifts to us both.  
What's neat (its the only description that fits) is to watch the next generation follow in our footsteps with no coaxing from us.
As Nina was packing to go back home last night she called Mitchell upstairs. I could hear them talking and she said.."Bye Mitch, I love you." and his response was "I love you too, Nina." Those two statements alone were worth the drive!

Enjoy your children at every stage. Stay close to family if you can. Find something to love about every stage, it all goes by so fast. I love you Mike!
Mike and Mitch at Thanksgiving


  1. Family is so important. You are teaching Mitchell the same thing your mother taught you. No matter how far apart your family maybe it is worth the time you spend with them. So glad you are having a great time.

  2. thank you for this. Family is such an important part of our lives and they add a richness we would not otherwise have.
