Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to protect in the real world and the cyber world?

My hot date fell in love the moment I walked in the door with her. She was sleek and black and small. She fit right in the palm of his hand. He ooo’ed and awwww’ed when I showed him how to handle her. He treats her like a Queen and asks for her everyday now. I have to limit the time they spend together but all in all I love that he can handle her. LOL!
                            Our newly borrowed Galaxy Samsung Tablet
My sweet friend, Tiffany handed me this awesome piece of very intimidating technology so that I could blog, FB and tweet from the road. I admit that I am behind in the technology race because I chose to run the “motherhood” race and ignore many things around me. But now that my son is so enamored with this technology I have to learn it to not only teach him but to protect him. Tiffany made a very good point. She said Hil, “You protect him from things in the real world now you have to learn to protect him in the cyberworld.”

But how do I do that? And where do I start?
  1. set up parental controls on all computers and tv’s
  2. computers children use should be in a central location
  3. computers are to be used with Mommy’s supervision only!
  4. set a time and have limits
  5. balance real play and cyber play
  6. read the warning labels on games, some are too graphic and realistic (we stumbled on a motorcycle game yesterday that reduced me to tears with its graphics)
  1. set up parental controls on all tv’s and computers
  2. computers should be in a central location
  3. try to keep computers and tv’s out of children’s rooms
  4. help them with research so you can see where they are surfing or at least check on them
  5. set limits on the computer, even with homework
  6. remind them they need your approval on all games and downloads
  7. know their friends and what their parents rules are with technology
  8. keep having conversations about people that can harm them
 These are not absolutes but guides. As single parents we need to prepare our boys and girls for the future. Computers are not a thing of the past, they are here to stay! And our children are growing up and being raised with this technology. We cannot ignore it or say we will learn later, we have to know how to use it in order to protect them.

Enjoy your children as they mature. Find something to love about every stage.

Please feel free to leave comments or questions, until our next date have a good one!

Mitchell and Mommy on the train at the zoo!

Mitchell with the tablet on my bed

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