Monday, July 2, 2012

To play or not to play?

Yesterday, my hot date and I watched the Olympic swimming trials, he talked thru the whole thing (I thought he would run out of steam but no dice) and he is now insisting that we go swimming this week so I can time him. I love his self esteem, he needs no help there. Hope he always feels this great about himself. Lol!

This leads to the question...what is a good age to let your children be in sports programs?

Hey everyone I will admit that I am up in the air on this one. Mitchell's father was an incredible athlete. He played football from 6-22 when he graduated college. He was drafted right out of college but was cut before he ever played. God gave Mitchell's father a natural talent that we now see in Mitchell minus the aggression (praise God). When ever Mitchell has had physical assessments during yearly check ups the pediatrician always come to me with big smiles and is happy to report his gross motor skills are off the charts.Great news(as I blink at him with the look that says....anything else?)! I am sure it is a man thing to be impressed with natural athleticism however; I am more concerned about reading and writing (another post, LOL).

In today's society children are being introduced to sports sooner and sooner. Ever check out the programming at the Y or schools or neighborhood clubs? Peewee Baseball, basketball, dance, cheer, gymnastics....there is even swimming for the youngins that just learned to swim. It is all over the place, no matter where you run you can't hide. I see these 3 and 4 year olds girls in cheer uniforms out there on the field with older siblings. Even I admit its super cute! So what is too young and what’s appropriate and how do you decide?

Suggestions at a young age 3-5
1. Let children try a variety of things....little gym, dance, soccer, baseball, basketball and see what they like.
2. Are they physically ready to be away from mom and dad for 30 minutes? Some young children aren’t ready and that’s ok.
3. No quitters-take them to each game and practice even if you just sit on the bench with them.
4. Go to all events-as parents and especially single parents we run out of time and want to dump things off our list. Make a commitment to this even is. Its another way to say”I love you” to  your child.
5. Its ok if they don't do son was horrible at baseball but we still kept at it. What you are teaching is perseverance.
6. Make it the parent that brings snacks or has the funny umbrella and chairs out on the field. I was always good for a floopy hat and sunglasses with a ton of juice boxes at my side.
7. Cheer (I said cheer not scream directions and yell) your head off! Have no shame in showing appreciation for your child! I came away from Mitchell's basketball games hoarse and exhausted but he loved it and it is a great self esteem booster.

Suggestions older children ages 6-10---now is the time when your child has a shown an interest in a variety of sports/activities
1. Have your child choose one or two sports/activities they like (that you can afford)
2. School comes first-don't let homework suffer because of late practices
3. Check the schedule before you sign up...if there are only Sunday AM games and you attend weekly church services this won't work for your family
4. No quitters-even if they dislike it half way through the season, make sure they complete the season
5. Winning isn't everything-our children need to learn to be gracious winners and losers
6. Be involved-take an active role in this sport for your child. Help them practice
7. Enjoy is as a family-my friends whole family treks to the fields for one of her children's game, pack a lunch, take photos
8. Cheer---there is no shame is cheering for your child or hi/her entire team. Remember yelling instructions is not cheering, let the coach do his/her job

Sports and activities are interesting subjects. Let your child be the guide. Some children are ready for sports/activities early and some aren't. Don't let yourself be pressured, do what is right for your child.

This is the year that Mitchell and I zero in on one sport or another. We’ve tried soccer, baseball, basketball and swimming. We will keep you posted.

Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions and until our next date......have a great one!

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