Monday, August 20, 2012

Thank you to the educators!

Mitchell meeting Mrs. Michael before the 1st day
Conversation from last year with my hot date:
"Mommy I am scared to go to kindergarten."
"Why Honey?", I asked as I knelt down so we could be eye level.
"I don't know how to read", he said in the saddest little voice ever. My heart broke a little but I didn't cry. I just smiled at him and said, "Mrs. Michael will teach you how, besides no one else in your class can read either."

Conversation this year with my hot date:
"Hey Mitch, you have a letter from Mrs. John", I said
"You read it mom, I am too nervous" he chirped
Dear Mitchell,
I am so happy that we are going to spend 1st grade together this year! There is no place like first grade. I'll see you next week?
Hugs and Kisses,
Mrs. John
He looked up at me and smile and said, "now let me read it"

Mrs. Down and her husband Matt
Mitchell has had one great teacher after another. This post is homage to those ladies.
Mrs. Roach                              Mrs. Lowry                                        Mrs. Down
Mrs. Nguyen                           Mrs. Michael

Geniffer Roach started it all at Bethel Mother's Day Out when Mitchell was 2 1/2. It was his first time in a school setting and my first time to have to "let go".  Geniffer made the experience and letting go almost painless. Her love of the gospel, children and mothers shone through every day that I dropped off and everyday that I picked up. She gave each mom details without referring to a sheet of paper as if she were rattling off information about her own children. She was enthusiastic and I have yet to see her without a smile. She was the perfect teacher to start with. She set a firm foundation on which to build. She expected and the children delivered.
Mrs. Lowry with her "boys" on rodeo day

Mrs. Lowry came to Bethel a month into Mitchell's 3-4 year old class. The entire class was boys and she had experience with that. It was an interesting dynamic and she handled it with poise and grace. The boys seemed to energize her and Mrs. Nguyen with their abundant energy and showered both ladies with love. It was a win win situation. The boys also needed her firmness, grandmotherly love and no nonsense approach. Mrs. Lowry added to the solid foundation with her knowledge of the gospel and love of boys.
Mrs. Roach--the one who started it all!

We finished at Bethel with Mrs. Down and Mrs. Nguyen. This class was a nice mix of boys and girls. Mrs Down was a former Principal and school teacher. I had also seen her teach salvation the summer before to VBS students and could not stop bragging about it. She prepared our children well for kindergarten and loved them unconditionally. Mrs. Down loved these children well and made sure they knew it as well as their preschool fundamentals. She showed her students learning is fun. She even taught with her cute cuddly puppy, Eagle! Eagle was always a hit in the classroom.  None of the children in her class had difficulty in kindergarten.

Mrs. Michael is still the teacher to get at Ascension for kindergarten. So I just prayed for God's will to be done in Mitchell's life. When his class list came in the mail two weeks before school I jumped for joy and gave God a big "thank you." Mrs. Michael was tough and loving, very no nonsense and matter of fact. She refused to baby these children and they excelled under her last year. My fidgety little boy learned to sit still...all the boys did. They stood in quiet lines, learned songs and prayers for chapel and performed well in assembly. My son learned to read, make good choices, transition from activity to activity well and remains excited about school.
Mitchell's first day of kindergarten

All in all, we have been blessed to have teachers that enjoyed their positions and instilled a love of learning and discipline and most importantly for me, loved the Lord.  I am forever grateful for this group of women I will most likely never forget. Thank you seems so small but its all I have.

Why is the beginning to so important?
  1. It sets the foundation for life.
  2. the foundation must be strong in order to build...we all know the story of the three little pigs.
  3. A life long love of learning starts earlier than most people think. Don't under estimate the power of a three day program or programs like Gymboree and Little Gym.
  4. take your children's education seriously, don't just let it happen
  5. Take an active role in their education and their classroom if you can
  6. Be a support to the teacher, he/she cant do it alone
  7. Reinforce fundamentals at home
These are not absoultes but guides. Prepare your children for the future, they will not be young forever and will one day strike out on their own....its our job to equip them and one of those pieces of equipment is their education.

Feel free to leave a comment. Love your children at every stage and until our next hot date.

1 comment:

  1. I loved both of my boys kindergarten teachers. Mrs. Dunivant and Mrs. Tindall. They both set the best foundations for them. One of them even recognized the early signs of dyslexia so we could have him tested to get him the help he needs. Two years later he has made huge strides. Thank you to the teachers who truly love what they do and love our children!
