Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday:Who Inspires Us?

I walked into my friends house today to have lunch and quickly noticed the piece of furniture she had purchased at a resale shop and finished. I was in awe of this HUGE undertaking and could not help but whip out my camera and snap a picture. Now, I know you are thinking but lots of Mom's work on furniture, and I agree with you. What makes this so special is that she has 5 children, 4 of whom she home schools and one who is special needs. She takes care of her family and her husband and STILL has time to listen to me gripe about (you name it) and serve in church and do a bible study and help run a community group and that's before you include her children's extra curricular activities. So to me...this is no ordinary piece of furniture. Its a labor of love and she inspires me to do great things as well.

While the friend mentioned above is pretty inspirational she is not my only source of inspiration. Another is my cousin Irie, she lost her husband about 13 years ago and is raising her amazing son alone. To say he is a good kid is an understatement. To say she's just another single mom is an insult. She runs her own business, coaches me and countless others on the importance of image in the workforce. She is a ball of energy and I am always inspired by her ideas and enthusiasm. She has more style in her pinky than most people do all their lives.

My cousins son is in the blue sweater
And then there is my Grandmother, Francis Robinson..may she rest in peace. She raised two children in the 40's and 50's. She was an LVN and later a seamstress. She was an active member in her church and man could that woman cook! She was a great friend, in fact her best friend Vera Farley was Aunt Folly to us...we didn't know until her death that she was a friend of Grandma's and not our Aunt or that her name was Farley and not Folly. Funny how kids do that. My grandmother always had time for someone in need.

So when I am at an all time high or feeling really low..I look at these women for encouragement.

Who inspires you?

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