Monday, September 10, 2012

Boys and Sports

Last Thursday, my hot date and I were at our community group, when prayer time rolled around for individual prayer I asked the group to pray for Mitchell's handwriting and for him to be encouraged this week with his school work. It was a great time of prayer and extremely powerful. After prayer when we were cleaning up the hostess' husband said, "I didn't know that he was left handed?" I have seen that look before in men's eyes (who love sports) when they find out Mitchell is left handed. He already knew that Mitchell loved being outdoors and is a rough and tumble boy just like his son.

So on Sunday, his wife asked if I were willing to let Mitchell learn golf with their son maybe once a week? I was thrilled and they start next month.

A child learning to play golf
I cannot tell you how long that I have prayed for a man to take a sports interest in my son. His father played football and baseball but has yet to connect with his son on that level. I am never too sure what they do when they are together but I see no evidence of them connecting with sports. It is sad to me but God is always watchign and will provide. I have also prayed for a man of God who is a good sportsman, meaning gracious winner and loser to coach Mitchell in whatever. God has answered my prayers in a mighty way.

But why is it so important to me to Mitchell to be a good sportsman?
1. His God given talent is evident.
2. He is very outgoing and loves being outdoors and playing.
3. He enjoys games more and more as he ages.
4. He is an only child and sports will teach him that he is not ONE OF ONE but a team member.
5. Being physically fit is very important to me and I love that he will have fun with it.
6. I want him to learn to win as well as lose. I never dumb down games when I teach or play with him. He has to earn his win. There is still frustration but he is getting it.
7. I want him to learn it will not always be about him but he needs to think of others.

There are not absolutes but guides. As parents we should all have our children involved in extra curricular activities for them and for us. At the very least they get to bond with children that have similar interests and learn to function away from us. At the very most, the sky is the limit.
Enjoy your children at every stage. Feel free to leave a comment and until our next hot date.....

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