Friday, September 7, 2012

The Priorities Of A Single Parent.

Mitchell and Mommy at the Y
My hot date and I have had a busy week. He started swim lessons this week, dinner with friends in Sugar Land on Wednesday and Community Group on Thursday. I have spent more time in the car than at my house. My hot dates has turned in completed homework each day this week. We read our home reader as instructed and a little bit more, we have practiced our math facts and gone over spelling words. My hot dates laundry is done however mine is in piles in the laundry room and I have still have floors to mop. Its all about priorities. 

I am not sure how I do it all but I know that each single parent home does not look the same. I realize my situation is unique and I am grateful to be able to still be a stay at home mom and student while my son is so young. That has always been my dream and now it is a reality but how did I make this the case. 

How Do I Manage it all?
1. Sacrifice is the name of my game. I sacrifice for Mitchell without resentment.
2. I compromise as well. I don't always like dealing with Mitchell's father but I do for my sons sake.
3. Prayer. As I sat in traffic today running from place to place to take care of errands I cried looking at the traffic and then I prayed. I could not make it without my GOD!
4. Support. I have amazing friends that lift and encourage me. There is no room in my life for negative people or criticism. 
5. The world will not stop if my dishes aren't done and the laundry is piled sky high. I do what I can do and leave the rest for tomorrow.
6. I take care of myself. I love fruits and veggies and eat them daily. I limit sweets and carbs and carve out time to work out to keep myself healthy. I realize I am the major care giver.
7. I allow myself to sleep. Sometimes there is a 55 lb little man next to me but I go to bed at night. 
8. I attend a bible based church where living in community is the focus. I need my God and my church family as much as I need air.
9. I give my son to his father once a week because I need time to rest and rejuvenate. 
10. I realize there are no do overs in parenting and I am mindful of how I parent and that my child is watching. 
Lala (my Mom) Mitchell and I

These are not absolutes but guides. As single parents we would like to believe that we can do it all but as one person raising little people we soon realize that we cannot do it all. We have to ask for help or at least accept it. Pray and be still. Find something to love about your children at every stage. 
Feel free to leave a comment and until our next hot date.

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