Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Importance Of Routines.

"I love my Mommy's cooking, my LaLa's, my Granny's, Daddy's and Auntie Shara's cooking. I am going to eat all my food before I play with the Lee's. When are we going Mommy?" exclaimed my hot date the other day. 

Even thought I am a single mother, my hot date and I get out quite often. He loves the pace of our lives and can always go with the flow. Its one of the many things I marvel at about him.  He can switch gears at a moments notice and that is very important to an on-the-go Mom like me. But what about the important stuff you ask? What about a constant routine?

We have one that we rarely deviate from and here is what it looks like:
1. I lay out clothes the day before in the same spot minus shoes which he is able to choose
2. Bath time is always the same and always around the same time....he gets a towel fresh out of the dryer if he earns it. He loves this and I do too.
3. Dinner is always around the same time and even if we are dining out or with friends there is always grace, eating at a table and conversation.
4. He is to clean his room once a week and this means all toys off the floor and the bed made as well as shoes in his closet and not scattered all over the floor.
5. He is responsible for putting soap in the dishwasher and a new trash bag in the garbage can.
6. Homework is at the same time every day and he is required to do extra to work on his handwriting until Mommy is satisfied.
7. Bedtime is before the sun goes down (my son complains as any kid would) complete with bedtime prayers and singing. I have been singing since he was born. He gets three songs a night. (I am no singer but he loves his Momma).
8. He talks to Dad daily....and they pray together over the phone. 

These are not absolutes but guides. As single parents it is our job to provide consistency and a lifestyle our children can be proud of. I don't run our home any different than a two parent home, he may have one before all this is over with. 
Enjoy your children at every stage, feel free to leave a comment and until our next hot date. 

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