Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday: Looking And Feeling Your Best

Looking and feeling your best is not the easiest thing to do when you do everything for your household and you are the sole parent in your home. As a matter of fact most times we feel worn out and drained and we just hang on till Friday when we can have a few days to relax and unwind or so we think, but oh no, if you have school age children you are at games and parties all weekend. And don't forget about cleaning the house, laundry and grocery shopping. Whew! That list is long and impossible, how is a body supposed to take care of themselves and children too?

My answer to the question: Why is it important to take care of your self and how can it be done?
In the event that the cabin loses pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartment. If you are traveling with small children or people in need of assistance put the masks on yourself first and then assist others."

It is not easy is the first thing I will tell you, you have to be a bit selfish and realize that you have to come first because if you don't and you give all you have who will take care of the children when you are dead and gone? Bleak picture but it sure does put things into perspective real fast. 
Celebrating 40 with My Boyz!

Taking Care of You First.
1. You must make time to move, even it is taking the stairs everywhere you go and parking far from your destination. But walking in the neighborhood or with friends is great if you cannot get to a gym. Most companies offer wellness programs and give major discounts on gym memberships. Try the Y they have free child care while you work out. 


2. Get enough rest. Even if there is a ton to get done, make a bedtime for yourself and stick to it.
3. Eat right. Cut out the sugar and carbs, lay of soda and grab a water. Eat some veggies and lean meat.
4. Take care of your finances. If you are truly a single parent you are doing it alone with little to no help...always have something socked away or a stash for emergencies.
5. Lay off the sauce---I know its tempting to drink to unwind but if done in excess, it packs on the pounds, messes with sleep and ages you. 
6. Ask for a break. If you need help, ask for it. Ask someone to take your children for a day or a night so you can rest or clean or whatever. 
7. Have a support system. There is nothing more valuable to me than my friends. I need them more than words could ever say. They keep me sane. I also need my mom who is vital to our survival. 
8. Get yourself together with God...where are you in your walk? Do you have a relationship with God. He can provide a peace that no one else can and give you a hope you did not think was possible. Ask me about him, I'd be happy to share my testimony. 
9. Find a church home with great kids programs. Even if you are not prayed up your kids should be and they should know about the Lord. 
10. Learn to say no...if your plate is full, start to scrap stuff off of it. And learn to say NO so that all your time is not spent giving to others and not yourself. 
ahh, one moment alone

These are guides not absolutes. Learn to care for yourself because if you don't know one else will. Feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy your children at every stage and until our next hot date. 

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