Thursday, October 11, 2012

Who is in charge?

Mom, I want to be home schooled like William.
Really, are you sure?
Yes, Mommy
OK, but that means you get to be with Mommy and ONLY mommy all day and mommy is your teacher
no friends to eat lunch with, just you and I. And then you don't see your friends everyday, just two days a week. OK?
Yes, William and the Lee's like their home schooling but they also have brothers and sisters to play with, you don't.
OK, Mommy I will go to school tomorrow

There will be moments when your children want something different than what you had in mind. You don't have to scream and yell to get their attention. Being calm and speaking to them as if they are rational human beings goes a long way. They are children and they cannot see what we see, they don't have the years of experience we have. Even if you are a young mother, you are still a lot older than they are and they are not in charge. YOU ARE.

So who is in charge and why?

1. Parents children are gifts to be taken care of. Just imagine someone gave you a set of the best china in the world that you dreamed about owning or the perfect luxury car, how would you care for it? Same thing only amplified with children.
2. Let your children know early who the boss is. Even if you do this later, make sure your children know who is in charge and why.
3. There are moments when your children will challenge you and that's OK. You don't have to be rude and mean to get the authority back. But let them know why you in charge and they will one day be in charge, so take notes.
4. CALM is the name of the game. Take deep breaths often and step away when you need to. No one listens to frustrated leaders.
5. Teach your children about being in charge and the responsibility of being the leader
6. Consider all options when making a decision.
7. When you think of making decisions think past today.
8. Have a plan. I use this motto: Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.
9. Watch others and learn.
10. Be ready to switch gears.

These are not absolutes but guides. All of this is just a reminder that our children are our responsibility and we must make good sound decisions for them, as well as teach them to make good decisions so one day they may be able to make their own decisions. Enjoy your children at every stage. Feel free to leave a comment, and until our next hot date.

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