Monday, October 15, 2012

A few things about discipline.

A few nights ago I had to spank my hot date for being disrespectful at the dinner table and then lying about it. He tried the defense, "I didn't know"
He learned quickly that was unacceptable at his age and that would mean more punishment not less.  He cringed right before the spanking and begged me to yell at him or do something else. His sweet voice was filled with anguish and despair as he pleaded for me to spare his behind. You would have thought it was the end of the world and that he didn't get a cookie that night, which he did by the way. 

I am sure this scene may look familiar to you or maybe not. If you do not believe in spanking children you may want to stop reading now and return to this post tomorrow. If you are of the mindset, spare the rod and spoil the child, please feel free to keep reading. 

So in the end my son got spanked for his antics. He cried on my shoulder for a moment, told me I hurt his feelings and then I calmy explained to him what my job as a parent was and discipline is part of that. After he understood both our roles he apologized and said he would be more respectful. Of course he is almost 7 and this does not work on a 2 year old. 

So a few things discipline:
1. I discipline in order to teach not to harm.
2. Discipline does not mean I am angry. On the contrary I try my best never spank in anger(but no one is perfect), I am calm before hand.t I am inflicting a punishment so the behavior is not repeated.
3. Discipline means I love you enough to say that what you did is inappropriate or we will not behave that way in this house. If I did not care, I would let you do whatever. 
4. My job as a parent is more than clothing, feeding and sheltering my child. Is raising him to be a productive adult, to care for a family one day, to be independent and to be responsible. Part of all of that is discipline. If he will not mind me, God help his teachers and others in authority.
5. Discipline is what the bible says I should do. The bible in my eyes is a clear set of directions on many issues. I discipline my son according to how it is laid out in the bible. 

These are not absolutes but guides. Disciplining our children prepares them for the future. If children remain unruly how will they be able to sit in a classroom or play on a team, let alone play with others or be let out of the house. Discipline is not meant to harm but to teach and guide our children as well as to keep them safe and teach responsibility for their  actions. Enjoy our children at every stage. And as always feel free to leave a comment and until our next hot date......

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