Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday: Super Friends

When I was a teenager, I was surrounded by friends. Some close and some I kept at arms length. I learned early the ones closest to you could hurt you the most so I chose carefully and always kept that closest circle tight. Now as an adult I seemed to have reverted back to that tight close circle. I have nicknamed named them my Super Friends.

Wonder Woman has 5 children, is biblically sound, is on year 20 in her marriage to a man I respect tremendously and knows exactly when I need her most and comes to my rescue with all her accessories that double as weapons. Our time as mom's is well spent on our children and our families. But we have also learned that we need to care for our own spiritual needs and our bodies as well. We pray for one another and together. We could not be more different or have different lives but it all seems to work. She and I have been friends for more than 13 years.  The most important thing to know about us is that we come as a pair, one of those sets of friends where if you see one you know the other is not far behind. 

The Flash. Because of his molecular structure and his ability to burn energy at an alarming rate, no one knows how old he is or just how long he has been around. Lets just say that Flash has been here for almost as long as I have. He can run into a situation and repair the damage in seconds. His keen observant eye is like an early warning system. He knows me inside and out and has never let me down. He also knows all my secrets. There isn't much I can hide from Flash, I gave up trying in the 90's. The most important thing to know about Flash and I is that we are fiercely protective of one another and if you mess with one get ready to take on the other, no matter who you are. 

Batman is nothing like the first two. He has no super powers. He is a handsome, smart guy with just the right amount of street smarts to survive. Being retired military helps him in all covert operations. Never think you are getting over on him. He can appear kind or cruel depending upon the situation. But he is one of the few that can talk me off a ledge. He shoots straight from the hip and has been a part of my life for the better half of two decades. What is the most important thing to know about Batman and I, we disagree often but those never last long. We have a unique friendship--neither of us does well without the other, best way to take us down is to separate us. 

Why do I tell you all of this. Well we all need our circle of super friends. The ones we confide in, laugh with, share life with, build relationship and share pain with. They should be the ones you trust no matter what. Others in your life will come and go but that circle, that circle will stay close to your heart always. Do you have a circle and what does your circle look like? 

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