Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Eating Healthy

Spinach tortilla chicken, sweet pepper wrap with cheese puff (the unhealthy kind) and strawberry's
Its been a long while since I have written about my hot date. I have been busy writing blogs for others and I have not had as much time for my own. But WE ARE BACK! 

Summer 2014 has been filled with water, sun and loads of great food. I will admit when I am tired I do not make the best food choices for myself or my hot date but that is changing. Since he has always been such a great eater and eager to try new things, I feel no qualms about introducing new healthier foods to him. It does not hurt that we have friends that are always willing to share healthy eating options with me. 
So here is how I do it….

1. I do not make a fuss…since my hot date is 8 he can see me bustling around in the kitchen and may or may not come in and inquire about what I am cooking. If and when he does, I give him the shortest answer possible. For example, this is a green smoothie. I do not add that it is full of fresh greens---that is TMI (too much information)

2. I make it pretty….whatever I serve him I make visually appealing. Yes, it takes a bit more time but tell me how many mom's can get their children to devour sauteed spinach, lamb chops and almost every fresh fruit in the grocery store?

3. After he likes something, I tell him the health benefits…my hot date loves salmon and so each time I introduce a new kind of fish to him I start off by telling him it is healthy like salmon and here are the vitamins you are getting and this is how they help your body. 

4. I have not given up all junk…its sad but true! We both like chips and we love sweets so I give them out in moderation. Many times even if I offer chips he eats so much of the fruit/vegetables and protein offered on his plate that he is not hungry for the chips. Its a mind over matter thing with this kid. If its offered, he does not feel deprived or tricked into eating something healthy.

These are not absolutes just guides. Enjoy your children at every stage and learn to appreciate them where they are. Don't be in such a hurry for your children to grow up, time will take care of that for you. Until next time…..

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