Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday-The Blessings in Life

My mother's side of teh family. Uncle Kenny and My Mom out in front
Isaiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. 

I have been incredibly blessing in my life. People may not think so because I am a  single mom and financially I struggle. But I don't see it as a struggle. I see it as me relying on God and his timing to get me where He wants me. But I wasn't always this trusting. 

Early in life my father let me down and continued to do so, however God intervened and gave me the male role models that I needed. My Uncle Kenny, Grandfathers, Uncle Mitchell and Uncle Doug were all there to pick up my father's slack and go far and beyond the call of duty with thier love, devotion, instruction and wisdom. All these men have left lasting impressions on me and prayerfully My Uncle Kenny is still here to impart his wisdom, love and devotion to Mitchell. May they all rest in peace. 

I have been blessed with some rich friendships in my life that have sustained me through some really rough times and a God that has never left me. God has also placed some really difficult people in my life to challenge and teach life long lessons. When I was 15 I met the greatest guy a girl could ever have as a friend....My Charles. He was everything I needed and then some. I also met a girl who would teach me how to spot the mean girls and either deal or get rid of them. She was hateful and vicious and even Charles could not protect me but God made provisions. He allowed my true friends to shine like beacons of light in the darkness and muted the colors of the fake friends. I learned to be firm with my No's and stand up for myself. 

I have been blessed with some rich expereinces in life that shaped who I am. My mother worked for an international company when I was a teenager and that was my first glimpse into what work may look like. When I was 16 she had an incredible boss who felt it would be great to take me (social skills off the charts) and my friend Kristel to dinner with college recruits to get them to loosen up and talk about things other than their degree. Worked like a charm and I started to learn to recruit and what to look for. I still do it today. What blessing to be able to use my social skills to earn a living. 

Yes, God has blessed me trmendoulsy. Take a moment to take inventory of your life and see your blessings. 

Feel free to leave a comment and have a great day. 

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