Monday, November 19, 2012

Being Thankful..and teaching that to your children

Mitchell with his cousins, Idris, Hadi and Uncle Mike
So my hot date got in trouble last week for talking in class. And we had a conversation about his job and my job. And his response was, "But Momma sometimes you don't go to work" (this comes from the fact that I opt to play/spend time with him and work when he is sleeping) To which I replied, "my job is to take care of you, to feed you to pack lunches and take you to school, to make sure there is gas in the car to get you where you need to go, to wash, dry and iron clothing that I buy for you, to pay for school and your uniforms."At this point he was getting dizzy and probably regretting his choice of words. So I wrapped it up with, "I feed you everyday, don't I?" 
He nodded, "Yes".
I said, "I never tell you we don't have food?"
"No" he said quietly
"Good, because that's my job and your job is school and you are not allowed to tell me you didn't try."
"Yes ma"am."

There conversations are hard on us both but so very necessary. Most of our children want for nothing because we work hard to provide. But our children also need to be thankful for what they have. They also need to see us as parents being thankful, even in the midst of a storm and as single parents we will have or have had many storms. 

But how do we do this?
1. It is a requirement in our home to say grace before every meal. When my son asked me why one day, I said we give thanks to God for all we have.
2. It is a requirement in our home to say "thank you" when someone does something for you that they didn't have to, like sharing, getting you something or doing something nice.
3. Teach your children to say thank you to their peers.
4. Let your children know how fortunate they are.
5. Let them know that not everyone is as fortunate
6. Talk to them often about being thankful for everything, from the sunshine to video games to a room to themselves. 
7. When you pray as a family, ask them to thank God for what they have.
8. Let them see you give thanks.
9. Live a life of gratitude. 
10. Remember children learn by the example you show them, be aware of what you are letting them see. 

These are not absolutes but guides. Feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy your children at every stage. And until our next hot date.....

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