Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday: Dating as a Single Parent

Oh my, as a single parent I have learned to multitask well and juggle at least 12 things at one time. I have learned to budget time and money as well as conserve energy for the last leg of the race. But the one thing that still stumps me is dating as a single mom. 
Mitchell's father and I back in the day!

Where do you meet people and how do you know they are quality people. I have learned some valuable lessons the hard way so let me share some things with you.
DeWayne and Edgar are married, Erica is engaged and I am single.
The Do's and Don'ts
1. If you have certain convictions, stick to them? Don't let anyone sway you. 
2. You do not have to go out with everyone that asks. Its flattering but you can say NO. 
3. It is difficult to date someone who does not have children or who has not raised them. So I say be cautious when proceeding. 
4. Dating long distance as a single person is hard. Very hard!
5. Even if you miss the physical, don't let that be your guiding light, leads to heartache.
6. You only get a one chance to make a good impression. Put your best foot forward. 
7. Don't complain about your ex, it wastes time and turns your date off.
8. People love compliments, be generous with your praise but don't lie.
9. If you are interested be sure and secure date two before date one is over.
10. Smile and have fun!

Where to Meet
1. I personally like meeting people at random places....grocery store, 
2. You have to be willing to be stopped and engage in conversation.
3. Church is a great place to meet but I am not a fan of singles ministries.
4. Friends setting you up is good if your friends have a good eye.
5. Dating online and speed dating are also options for busy parents.

There are not absolutes but guides. Dating is an interesting game and it changes as you age. I have some friends that have only dated one or two people and have been married for decades. Others are happily married after dating quite a bit and still others are serial daters. No matter what your stage of life or your outlook on dating,  if you are interested in meeting people and dating you probably need to develop a sense of humor like I have or have lots a patience. Anything worth having is worth working for....I think. LOL. 
Feel free to leave a comment, enjoy your life at every stage and until our next hot date.....

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