Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What to do with sick kids

"Mommy, can I sleep with you, you are so cuddly." my hot date asks as he bats his eyes
I just look down and at him with his runny nose and cute pajama's on and say, "sure poo"
I mean really what else could I say? 
So my hot date is home sick. Its a holiday so he isn't missing school but we still have to deal with his restlessness and boredom as his body fights off what ails him. 

So what do you do with sick kid all day? 
1. Well my guy would watch TV all day if you let him so I limit the amount of TV.
2. Limit the amount of video games
3. Plenty of rest and/or quiet time. I lay down with him as he whines that he is not tired and in 5 minutes he is out. His little body needs to heal. 
4. We like to read and be read to. We must have read 5 books already.
5. Coloring if you can believe it?
6. Helping in the kitchen or with chores around the house.....mine is on trash duty
7. A good movie in Mommy's bed
8. A special treat.....a bubble bath or favorite food
9. We love playing games, he beat 5 times at tic tac toe but I am the master at chutes and ladders.
10. Maybe a little school work, lol.

These are not absolutes but guides. When our children are sick we feel helpless no mater what their age. Teenagers will want to be left alone and may sleep all day. This of course leaves you time to get things done around the house. The little ones, meaning 10 and under really want the TLC from Mom and you may not get anything done. But at the end of the day they won't care if the beds are made or the dishes are done they will remember that they were loved and were well taken care of.

Feel free to leave a comment, enjoy your children at every stage and until our next hot date....

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