Monday, December 3, 2012

Series on Manners-Taking Turns

Mitchell waiting his turn to show us his science project
So when we play family games my hot date gets impatient and wants to hurry others through their turns so we can get back to him. In the past he had a tendency to skip over people so that he could go, now he just gets loud and continues to say "go" until we go. I am taking those opportunities to try and teach him patience but most of all manners. 

Whether you have an only child or a house full, manners are still some of the hardest things to teach. But not impossible. You just have to make up your mind and do it and be consistent

So what can you do?
1. Do not let your children interrupt you or other adults. When they do make them wait their turn. They can start learning this as early as 3.
2. Be consistent!
3. Don't let your children run the house. Things will not be done on their time but yours. You are the boss!
4. Watch your children play together from time to time. You will know if they are putting into practice what you preach. 
5. Allow them to use their words and solve sibling issues themselves, but intervene when you need to
6. Waiting is harder for only children because there are no other siblings to wait on. But they do have to wait on a parents and do have to wait at school. Use those teaching moments to your advantage.
7. Play games with your only children and talk about taking turns and how polite it is.
8. Play the "feelings" card. Ask how they feel when others do not wait their turn?
9. Teach manners in a loving and positive way. 
10. I personally use biblical principles to get my point across to my child. 
Sharing the stage with class mates

These are not absolutes but guides. Teach your children well. remember they will one day pass on what they have learned. Manners are not a thing of the past and not something to berate a child over. They happen over the course of time. Teach them in a loving and respectful manner.  Enjoy your children at every stage, feel free to leave a comment and until our next hot date......

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