Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday: Dating Advice--the best and the worst!

Dating in my 20's---hanging with the girls
So I have ventured back into the dating world and it is just as crazy as when I left it years ago only more so. Now I have my hot date to consider and I am not so willing to just date anyone....he makes me so much  more discerning. Along the way I have been given lots of dating advice, some good and some bad. I will give you the 5 best and worse suggestions I have ever received.

1. The best way to find out if the relationship will work is to look a man's relationship with his mother
2. Never call a man, it leads to chasing and chasing is just unladylike.
3. Never ask a man on a date, if just gives the wrong impression. 
4. The man pays. PERIOD! There are no exceptions to this rule. 
5. Let him lead the conversation. What you want to do is find out if he is worth getting to know, you can't do that if you dominate the conversation.
Hanging with the girls in my 30's

1. If he asked where you want to go, tell him the most expensive restaurant in town
2. its OK to go dutch if you know he can't afford it...well then he should not have asked you out.
3. Wear something just gives the wrong impression and you can never get another chance to make a first impression
4. Group dates are great....let me just say that one of my friends went on a group date and he married the girl but not the one he was set up with, another one in the group, you've been warned.
5. He should meet your friends right need to get to know him not your friends..that will come in time.

These are absolutes not guides. My friend had the best advice ever and its by way of her crazy Aunt but I am going to clean it up a bit. Basically her Aunt says that women are treasures and men hunt for treasures and not vice versa. A man will travel to ends of the earth to find his treasure but a treasure is to stay put. Feel free to leave a comment and until our next date...
Learned some very valuable lessons with this one!

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