Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SCHOOL IS WHY I have been absent

Mitchell in his classroom

My hot date walked into Sunday School and without saying so much as "hello", announced to his Sunday School Teacher: "My mommy is in college and her homework is hard!"

We all just laughed but in his seven year old mind it was the absolute truth and very much a reality for him. I do not hide or sugar coat that part of my life for him. He sees me carrying a large backpack. He sees book sprawled across my bed, papers all over my floor and homework spread across the kitchen table. I tell him each day his job is school and mine is to provide for the family. I remind him that I go to school so that one day I can make more money.  And we talk about when he will go to college. But he also knows that college takes lots of time and he sees how tired I am. So how do I do it all?

1. I don't have a secret formula. Different things work for different people this is just my list.
2. PRAYER IS VITAL FOR ME....it allows me to focus and maintain my sanity and gives me hope. It is my fuel. 
3. If online works for you, go online. I  chose traditional classes on a college campus.
4. I have scheduled myself to only have classes 2 days a week (cuts down on gas usage and travel time)I study the other days and work part time from home.
5. When I am home I dedicate time to each activity. 2 hours for laundry, 4, 30 minute study sessions, grocery shopping and free time. If you do not control your time, it will control you. 
6. Consistency is HUGE! we eat, do homework, take a bath, play and read at the same time every night.  So my son knows what to expect. I do the same with my schedule.
7. I make time to refuel. Even if it is just to go see a movie with a friend or a hard work out. You must take care of yourself.
8. Cut yourself some slack. I failed a test last semester and it wasn't the end of the world. I ended up with a B+ in the class instead of an A. I am cool with that. 
9. Start strong and it gives you wiggle room if something goes wrong.
10.  NEVER lose sight of your goal! People have offered me full time positions, others have tried to take advantage of my free time and generosity. I simply learned not to answer those calls or spend time with those that only take from me. 

These are not absolutes but guides. School is my choice and I know I will never regret it. Until our next hot date, take care and love your children well. 


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